Green Complete with Spirulina Fruit Smoothie

Green Complete with Spirulina Fruit Smoothie


- 1/2 cup of yogurt
- 1 cup of fruit juice
- 1 or more of the following: papaya, peach or mango
- 1/2 cup of boysenberries
- 1 scoop Green Complete Superfood Powder


Blend all ingredients.

Health Benefits of the Green Complete with Spirulina Fruit Smoothie

The Green Complete with Spirulina Fruit Smoothie is one of the tastier smoothie recipes you will find that still features an amazing assortment of healthy ingredients. If quick, easy and delicious is the type of smoothie you’re looking for, than this one is for you.

In addition to including one of nature’s most complete superfoods, Hawaiian Spirulina, the ingredients in this recipe all feature their own unique health properties that can have significant impacts on the body. Some of the health benefits of the Green Complete with Spirulina Fruit Smoothie ingredients:

• Most yogurt features live and active cultures, live and active cultures are living bacterial organisms that provide several health benefits including supporting the gastrointestine and working as an immune system booster.*

• Boysenberries are an excellent source of fiber, folate and vitamin E. They help support cellular health, improve digestion, and increase energy levels.*

• Papaya and mangoes both provide fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants as well. Peaches provide vitamin A, C, E, and K and are a rich source of both fiber and antioxidants.

Add this smoothie to your daily health regimen to help your body receive the nutrients it needs to feel sharp mentally and physically so you can complete everything you need to accomplish during your busy day.