April 2024
One of the most effective metrics to enhance your quality of life and increase your health barometer for quality of health is elevating your maximal oxygen consumption or VO2.
This term which I’ll explain has the greatest gift and long-term benefit to your life span and totality of a healthy life. The predictably of measurable and tangible data solely lies in your impetus to get started!
The irony of starting VO2 workouts is the curve affects all levels of fitness or lack of fitness! Specifically, if you’re out of shape, the greatest gains are with the bottom 25% of the population. This is a positive statement! The potential gains transcend all levels of fitness. If you’re a long-term athlete or temporarily stopped your exercise - the elevation in VO2 can be monumental.
Recognize, the largest gain in VO2 is actually for those that maybe in the bottom rung of fitness and now embark on a new or renewed program. There are also gains that can be made for the top tier of athletes but the data shows; if you're just starting a new exercise routine, the quick results can be incredibly encouraging.
So, let’s take a look at what VO2 is, and the variables attached to the decline as we age. Most importantly, how can we make a huge dent in our health and fitness. VO2 equals the maximal rate your muscles can extract O2 during exercise and convert this to energy. The harder the exercise, the concurrent rise in VO2 and the overall cardiorespiratory fitness - along with a host of other benefits.
Exercise has magical benefits, including VO2 exercise adds another measurable layer of health, increasing life span and quality of life. VO2 is the single variable that lowers heart risk and the potential for a whole host of declining health risks. Let’s start with the list:
- Lowers the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) which elevates long term cortisol and adrenal hormones which affects all three noted above.
Secondary and sometimes primary benefits include:
- Better sleep which controls our parasympathetic nervous system aiding in digestion, excretion, adrenal production and recovery day to day.
- Higher lean muscle mass and a reduction in body fat.
- Calmness and a relaxed mind lead to higher productivity
Without belaboring the pitfalls of low activity combined with a sedentary lifestyle, the decline in muscle mass (sarcopenia) leads to a mountain of negative issues which include loss of bone density, low brain stimulation and production of combative neurotransmitters. Generally, a poor nutritional intake and a decline in life expectancy. Ok, let’s get back to VO2 training and the specifics to ignite your program.
The benefits are fast and starting with a comprehensive blood panel with a health practitioner that understands metabolic and physiological health gives you a baseline. A blood retest in 12 weeks will show the difference and in 6 month you’ll be a superstar!
Following is the health program that is specific to elevating VO2. Again, depending upon your baseline fitness or lack of, the degree of intensity and length of the sets and repeats varies. The key is to include high intensity interval training (HIIT).
If you’re starting at ground zero a 6-8 week program of daily aerobic training is paramount - then add the high intensity training (HIT). The combination of HIIT 2x/week and HIT - 2x/week is ideal. These are short sessions interspersed with aerobic or recovery exercise.
The sessions for a beginner 2x/week could include:
- 6-10 repeats of 45 seconds with a 90-second recovery between repeats. If you’re out for a walk try faster steps, going up an incline or longer strides with aerobic recovery. Within a 45-minute exercise session include one of the HIIT every 3 minutes.
- An HIT session could be 6-10 sets of 8-12 repetitions of full body exercises such as knee assisted push-ups, squats with dumbbells or a barbell, box jumps and burpees. This is a short list to get you rocking.
- If you're a seasoned athlete the same principles apply but increase the repetitions to 20 or increase the repetition length from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
- Quite often HIIT and HIT are done on the same day and this is perfect with aerobic or recovery days in between.
Make sure you set the sessions per week. I recommend 6 days per week. Then set the time each day and finally the total time per session.
Ok, lets add a couple notes:
- I’ve got a list of a zillion exercises, please sent a note and ask me a question. This pertains to HIIT and HIT.
- I didn’t mention nutrition nor supplements, so this is wide open topic. Send me your questions.
Ok all the best and if you truly want to make a significant and positive step, get on your VO2 program.
Best Regards,
Dave Scott
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
This information is not meant to be medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting a new diet, exercise, or health program. Results may vary.
Dave Scott is a Nutrex-Hawaii ambassador.